一、 名額:2~3名(專任或專案助理教授以上)
二、 起聘日期:民國114年02月01日
三、 資格條件說明:
1. 具備教育部承認之國內外電子、電機等相關領域之博士學位。
2. 依教育部規定需具備累計一年以上業界專(兼)職實務工作經驗。(實務經驗類別:博士後研究、業界、執行產學合作計畫及赴公民營機構研習服務等)
3. 專長:具有電力、5G通訊、智慧控制及AI相關應用。
4. 具備英文授課能力。
5. 具備SCI/SSCI期刊論文發表能力。
6. 可執行產學合作計畫。
四、 檢具資料:(請將以下資料依序標示清楚並裝訂成冊)
1. 簡歷表(包含通訊地址、聯絡電話、電子郵件信箱、近期照片、研究專長和著作目錄)。
2. 博士學位證書影本(國外學歷須附駐外單位驗證之國外學歷證件影本) 。
3. 助理教授以上資格證書影本。(無則免附)
3. 應徵教師自傳,包含研發成果彙總表及未來研究方向並檢附相關證明文件。
4. 成績單(包括大學部和研究所)
5. 其他有助審查資料(如業界實務經驗證明、國考及格證書、證照、專利、得獎證明等)。
6. 應徵教師個人資料蒐集告知條款及同意書(需自行下載)。
1. 本校提供最高120萬元研究啟動基金(100萬元設備費及20萬元耗材或人事費)。
2. 新進教師可降低基本授課時數為6小時。
3. 提供單身或眷屬宿舍申請。
4. 應徵資料隨到隨審。
Tel: (02)2908-9899 EXT 5200
[email protected] 系網址:http://ee.mcut.edu.tw/app/index.php
Ming Chi University of Technology Job Posting for a Full-time or Project Faculty Position
The Department of Electrical Engineering of Ming Chi University of Technology invites applications for a full-time or project faculty position at the rank of assistant professor or higher with an anticipated start date of February 01, 2025. Applicants are expected to possess the following qualifications:
1. The following fields: Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, Smart Grid, Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Techniques, Antennas and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory and Computational Techniques, IoT Enabling Technologies, Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning;
2. The ability to publish in SCI journals;
3. The ability to independently implement industry-university collaborative projects;
4. The ability to teach in English.
5. Applicant must have at least one year working experience in company or as a postdoc.
6. Preferably with communication skills in Mandarin.
To apply, please submit the following documents (Please arrange the documents in order and bind them together):
1. Resume (including expertise and publication list)
2. Autobiography
3. A copy of the Ph.D. degree diploma (For degrees obtained overseas, an authentication of the diploma by the Taiwan Overseas Representative Office is required.)
4. Transcripts (Academic Records) of undergraduate and graduate institutions
5. Certification of assistant professor or higher (attachment is not required)
6. Photocopies of 5 representative works in line with the abovementioned areas of expertise
7. Other relevant documents (e.g., implementation of the National Science and Technology Council projects, awards, or patents in professional fields)
8. The terms of notification and consent form (please see attachment) for the collection of the applicant’s personal data
Related Benefits:
1. The MCUT provides a research start-up fund of up to 1.2 million NT dollars (1 million for equipment and 200,000 for materials or personnel costs).
2. New faculty members can reduce their basic teaching load to 6 hours per week.
3. Applications for single or family housing are available.
4. Applications are reviewed on a rolling admissions basis.
Those who pass the preliminary evaluation will be notified by the university for an interview. The application deadline is on December 31, 2024. Please send your application documents marked with Candidate for Full-time/Project Faculty Position to:
Ms. Pin-Ru Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering
Ming Chi University of Technology
No. 84, Gungjuan Road, Taishan District, New Taipei City 243303
The submitted documents will not be returned whether or not the applicant passed the preliminary evaluation. For inquiries, please contact Ms. P.R. Chen through the following channels:
Telephone number:+886-2-2908-9899 ext. 5200
Email address:
[email protected] Email address:
[email protected]歡迎